



When you are busy running your day-to-day business and you need additional skills or just some extra manpower to work on a specific project, Salève Energy Partner can help out.

Salève Energy Partners provides advice on Commercial, Business Development and Strategy matters in the Oil and Gas industry.  The way these services are provided for is flexible and dependent on the client’s requirements.  Flexibility is key.

Salève Energy Partners can work in your office to complement your team or to work on a bespoke project or to spar with management to develop an in-depth knowledge of your business and of the matters at hand. In particular, Salève Energy Partner can assist growing companies which might need additional skills or manpower. 


Flexibility of Services


On individual, bespoke, one-off opportunities or an ongoing basis (retainer)


In-house, remotely, via phone or Skype

Contracts/Fee Structure

Standard, Pay-as-you-go, freelance, Zero hours contract

Service Type

Complementing an existing team or working on a specific, defined project


FAQ on Services

Can I schedule a phone call to get more information?

  • Yes, please contact Salève Energy Partners on +31 (0)6 29322140

Does Salève Energy Partners work onsite?

  • Yes, Salève Energy Partner can come to your office wherever it is.

Does Salève Energy Partners perform static and/or dynamic reservoir modelling work?

  • No, but Salève Energy Partners can recommend other consultants who do this type of work.

Why is Salève Energy Partners giving away its methodology on reviewing agreements?

  • Salève Energy Partners believes it is important to share its knowledge gained by years of experience and therefore is not giving away its methodology.  What makes SEP special is, how it applies the methodology. How it applies its ‘special sauce’.

On what type of topics does Salève Energy Partners give advice on?

  • Salève Energy Partners provides advice on commercial, business development, strategy matters; the way these services are provided for is flexible and dependent on the client’s requirements